Next Generation Standards
Professional Learning Area #7 and #9: Content Literacy/ Next Generation Learning Standards (NGLS)
NYSTCs are committed to provided our educators with the most current information and resources to successfully embed the NYS Learning Standards into their teaching practice. Some specific areas we are focused on this year are:
Building awareness and strategies for implementation of the new NYS Computer Science & Digital Fluency Standards.
Developing tools to help teachers dive deep into the standards and align them to our statewide goals of equity and learning for all.
Curating resources for teachers to use immediately in their classrooms.
Creating a new Regents Review session focused on Biology.
NYS Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards Resources for Teachers
The NYS K12 Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards were adopted by the Board of Regents in December 2020. The new standards focus on five key concepts: Digital Literacy, Impacts of Computing, Computational Thinking, Network and Systems Design, and Cybersecurity. NYS is currently in the capacity building stage with full implementation expected by September 2024. To help teachers investigate strategies and activities to successfully implement the CS & DF Standards by 2024, NYS Teacher Centers have compiled a list of resources that can be used immediately in their classrooms. The resources will be released throughout the year by concept with Digital Literacy arriving in late October.
Shared Resources from Teacher Centers Across the State for all Concepts
DIGITAL LITERACY: Newsletter and Classroom Resources for Digital Literacy
IMPACTS OF COMPUTING: Newsletter and Classroom Resources for Impacts of Computing
COMPUTATIONAL THINKING: Newsletter and Classroom Resources for Computational Thinking
CYBERSECURITY: Newsletter and Classroom Resources for Cybersecurity
NETWORK AND SYSTEMS DESIGN: Newsletter and Classroom Resources for Networks & Systems Design
*Please continue to check back for additional resources.