New Teacher Recruitment & Support
Professional Learning Area #15: Professional Development to Support Teacher Recruitment, Retention & Mentoring; and Developing and Supporting New Teachers
Professional Learning Area #15: Professional Development to Support Teacher Recruitment, Retention & Mentoring; and Developing and Supporting New Teachers
One of our major initiatives this year is professional development to support our new and developing teachers. Specific areas include:
Continuing our work with Learning Forward and the New Teacher Mentor Academy
Provide professional learning opportunities for pre-service teachers, teachers assistants and teacher leaders
NYSUT’s Grow Your Own initiative is a three-year project funded with a $675,000 grant from one of NYSUT’s affiliates, the National Education Association. The NEA’s Great Public Schools Fund provides grants to state and local affiliates with promising projects and ideas to help improve student success.
For a complete listing of FREE professional learning opportunities supported by our Statewide Leadership grant, please click here.
For a complete listing of FREE professional learning opportunities supported by our Statewide Leadership grant, please click here.